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Barry Bulsara

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The Ensign Who Loved Me

For the past couple of years I’ve donated some of my prints to a charity auction at the Hal-Con in Nova Scotia Canada. Last year Harry Kim (Garrett Wang) from Star Trek Voyager was the guest auctioneer and when I was told he’s be doing it again I suggested that I did a special limited edition print that featured him. Apparently he really liked it and kept a copy for himself. Below is my copy that was sent back to me signed by Garrett himself!

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Birmingham NEC Comic Con!

Last weekend was my first big Comic Con. It was quite an experience, fantastic to see all the Cosplay people as well as the 501st but I think the highlight for me was meeting two of the actors from ‘Allo ‘Allo, very fond memories of watching it as a child.

Posted in Ramblings.