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Tag Archives: High Fidelity

Leicester 24 Open Art Exhibition

Yesterday I attended the private view for the Leicester 24th annual open art exhibition at the New Walk Museum in which I’ve got two of my prints on display.

During the evening there was a presentation of awards downstairs, I decided to stay upstairs chatting to fellow artists as I never win anything at these things but much to my surprise I had won two prizes and so missed my brief time in the spotlight doh!

The first was two tickets to see a show at DeMontfort Hall the second was from the magazine Dusk2Dawn who are offering me exposure in the form of a video interview on their website. I’ve not won an art prize since primary school so I was very chuffed indeed so big thanks to DeMontfort Hall and Jon Prest from Seed Creativity.

The exhibition runs until the 7th April at the New Walk Museum & Art Gallery, detail can be seen here:

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Passion 2 Print

Hello all!

Well it’s beginning to get busy in the run up to Christmas and I should have some new prints to show you soon! I’ve also had two of my latest prints selected for the Leicester Passion 2 Print Exhibition! I was very chuffed that they picked both of my entries.

Passion2Print is Leicester Print Workshop’s biennial celebration of contemporary fine art printmaking. Exclusively featuring the work of LPW artists, it is a high-quality showcase for printmaking today. Reflecting its partnership with Embrace Arts and Oundle International Festival, the exhibition will explore ideas around storytelling in music.

The exhibition runs from 8th October 2012 – 7th December 2012 at Embrace Arts, formerly the Richard Attenborough Centre, based on Lancaster Road in Leicester, about 15 mins walk from Leicester Print Workshop, Leicester City Centre and the Railway Station. All details can be found here:

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High Fidelity

I did this print for an up-coming exhibition of prints with the theme of Story telling in music. High Fidelity is one of the few films I’ve seen that I’ve also read the book from which it was based and both are excellent! This is a quote from the book that has always stuck with me, as like most teenagers (and adults) I was prone to listening to music that could be described as melancholy when I was feeling feeling down, which I’m sure didn’t help!

This 3 colour hand pulled screen print measures 42cm x 59cm (approx) and is printed on acid free 270gsm art stock. Each print is signed & numbered and is strictly limited to an edition of 150 so as always once they’re gone they’re gone.

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